Dr. Ananda Mohan Bhattarai
Supreme Court of Nepal
1. Date of Birth: June 15,1959
2. Gender: Male
3. Marital Status: Married
4. Nationality: Nepali
5. Permanent Address: Lekhnath, Pokhara-26, Kaski, Nepal
6. Current Residence: 213 Kumud Marg, Shantinagar –34GPO Box 7044, Kathmandu Nepal
Degree |
University/Board |
Year of Completion (A.D.) |
Post-doctoral study and research |
Max Planck Institute of International and Comparative Law Heidelberg, Germany |
2005-06, 2008, 2011 |
Non-degree mid-career professional program on law, human rights and public policy at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies of Developing Areas ( under Hubert Humphrey Fellowship)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, USA |
2002-2003 |
Doctor in Jurisprudential Science (J.S.D) with Research focus on Environmental law, Human rights Law and Constitutional Law |
National Law School of India University Bangalore, India |
2000 |
LL.M in Business Law
National Law School of India University Bangalore, India |
1997 |
MA in English Literature
Tribhuvan University |
1994 |
MA in Political Science
Tribhuvan University |
1984 |
Diploma in Law
Tribhuvan University |
1980 |
S. No. |
Designation |
Organization/Institution |
Tenure Period |
1. | Justice |
Supreme Court Of Nepal | August 1, 2016 - Present |
2. |
Chief Judge |
Court of Appeal, Biratnagar and Patan |
August 2014 –July 2016 |
3. |
Acting Chief Judge |
Court of Appeal Tulsipur | August 2013 –August 2014 |
4. |
Judge |
Court of Appeal |
January 2006 to August 2013 |
5. |
District Judge |
District court Kathmandu, Syangja, Achham and Manang, Kapilvastu |
September 1994 - January 2006 |
6. |
Deputy Registrar |
Supreme Court Of Nepal |
1992-1994 |
7. |
Officer |
At different courts |
1980–1992 |
- University of Queensland, T.C. Beirne School of Law, Brisbane, Australia Participated in In-Australia Training of Trainers program on Criminal Law, Judicial Ethics, Evidence and Constitutional Law (March 25-Apr 14, 2007)
- University of Philippine, (Institute of Judicial Administration) Quoezon City, The Philippines, Attended a training program on Trial and Court Management for the Judges of the Kingdom of Nepal (Aug 04-15, 2003)
- Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University and the Institute of International Education, Atlanta USA- Participated in the Atlanta Enhancement Workshop on "Global Development and Social Justice". ( March 16-21, 2003)
- Professional Affiliation on Conflict Management, Conflict Management Group under the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship, (May 2- June 11, 2003)
- National Law School of India Bangalore, India, Participated in Academic Staff College Programme on “Teaching Environmental Law in the Universities” (Oct 22nd and Nov 11th, 1998)
a. Books
- PROTECTION OF HIMALAYAN BIODIVERSITY, International Environmental Law and a Regional Legal Framework (2010), Delhi, Sage Publications.
- DISPLACEMENT AND REHABILITAITON IN NEPAL: Law and Policy and Practice, (2001) Delhi, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd
b. Chapter in Books/Handbooks
- Earthquake and Earth Justice: Emergence of the Environmental Justice Movement and its Relevance in Addressing Unanticipated Events, 1 Environmental Law Journal 2016.
- Role of Judiciary in the Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Experience from Nepal (with Hon. Kalyan Shrestha) in HUMAN RIGHTS AND CONFLICT (Inke Boerefijn et al eds.) (Cambridge Intersentia, 2011)
- Judicial Education and Skills Development for Judges and Court Staff-The Nepal Experience in JUDICIAL REFORM HANDBOOK (Oxford University Press, 2008)
- Rule of Law and Good Governance in GOOD GOVERNANCE, Pro-Public, Kathmandu, 2001(Nepali text)
- Negotiating Regional Bio- Issues in the Himalaya in Negotiating a Sustainable Future: Innovations in International Environmental Negotiations" – Vol. 12 PON Books Harvard University, ( William Moomaw, Lawrence Susskind and Kristen Kurczak ed. 2003) see http://www.pon.harvard.edu/shop/papers-on-international-environmental-negotiation-series/
- Towards a Legal Framework: Policy Dimensions, Developing Decentralized Institutions in MAKING WATER EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS (Anil Agrawal et al. eds) Delhi, Center for Science and Environment 2000)
c. Articles/Papers/Reports
- Approaching the Constitution of Nepal through Possible Interpretive Strategies, Indian Law Institute (ILI) Law Review -2022 (Summer Issue).
- “The Role of Constitutional Court in Preserving the Constitutional Postulates: Learning from German Experience” 14 NJA L.J. 1, 2020.
- Promoting Welfare and Social Justice through Constitutional Mechanism, Nepal Bar Council Journal, 2019.
- Eighth World Water Forum and the Judges and Prosecutors’ Conference in Brasilia 12 NJA L.J. 1, 2018.
- Accusation of Witches and Issues Relating to Access to Justice, KANOON 2016 (Nepali text)
- Access of the Poor to Justice: The Trials and Tribulations of ESC Rights Adjudication in South Asia, 7 NJA L.J. 2013
- Designing the System of Justice for Federal Nepal: Possible Contributions of Comparative Constitutional Law, 5 NJA L.J. 2011.
- Constitutional Rights and Social Exclusion in Nepal (with Malcolm Langford), in 18 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MINORITY AND GROUP RIGHTS 18 (2011) 387–411 http://www.jus.uio.no/smr/english/people/aca/malcolml/nepal-langford-and-bhatterai.pdf
- Judicial Education in Nepal: Achievement and Challenges 3 NJA L.J. 2009
- Mountains: Convention on Biological Diversity and Subsequent Developments 2 NJA L.J. 2008.
- Institutional Framework for Legal and Judicial Training in South Asia (with particular reference to Bangladesh and Nepal (co-authored with Dr. Kishor Upreti) World Bank Law and Development Working Paper series no 2, 2007) see http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTLAWJUSTICE/Resources/LDWP2_LegalJudicialTraining.pdf
- Judicial System of Nepal: An Overview in FIFTY YEARS OF THE SUPREME COURT (Golden Jubilee Special Issue) 2006.
- The Treaty of Rome and Possible Obligations Following Accession by Nepal in http://www.icc.inseconline.org/download/Possible%20Obligations%20Following%20Accession%20nepal.pdf
- Domestic Human Rights Advocacy: Approaches and Strategies, 17 NEPAL LAW REVIEW 2004, also available at http://www.inseconline.org/workshop/WS3_Human%20Rights%20Advocacy.pdf
- Environmental Management of the Himalayan Watershed: An Inquiry into the Land Related Policies and Laws of Nepal, 16 NEPAL LAW REVIEW 2003.
- Protected Areas and Issues of Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation: A case study of Royal Shuklaphant Wildlife Reserve, 15 NEPAL LAW REVIEW 2002.
- Right to Property and the Recent Legal Development in Nepal, 2 Annual Survey of Nepali Laws, 2002.
- The Ideological Basis of Nepali Forest Laws, Conservation Measures and the Proposed Amendment 6 ENVIRONMENT 7, 2001 (Publication of MoEF/NoN).
- The Jurisprudence of Property Right and the Constitutional Development in USA, India and Nepal, 14 NEPAL LAW REVIEW 1&2, 2000-2001.
- Judicial scrutiny of the Dissolution of Legislatures, Notes from the Indian Sub-continent, LAWASIA, (withVikram Raghavan) (1996-1997).
d. Research as Principal investigator
- Organized Crimes: An Introduction (Resource Material) Published by National Judicial Academy (Chapter Author) 2011 (Nepali text).
- Execution of Judgements: Problems and Possible Solutions (Chief Investigator) National Judicial Academy 2008 (Nepali text).
- Rome Treaty of International Criminal Court and Prevailing Criminal Laws of Nepal: A Study (Chief Investigator) National Judicial Academy 2008 (Nepali Text).
e. Papers/Presentations/Talks
- Participation as founding member in the MEETING OF THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE GLOBAL JUDICIAL INSTITUTE ON THE ENVIRONMENT, and Model Forest Act Initiative (MOFAI) New York, Wednesday July 19, 2023.
- South Asia Regional Symposium on Forest Law, (In partnership with the ADB and the Supreme Court of Nepal, Kathmandu, 27-29 April 2023.
- United States Study Tour on Criminal Justice System, (Denver, Colorado and Washington, D.C) U.S Department of Justice, March 6 - 10, 2023.
- Panelist at the 2022 Oslo International Environmental Law Conference, with general theme on “The Transformative Power of Law: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges”, University of Oslo, Norway, October 3-6, 2022.
- Paper presented on the topic “The Power of Regional Judicial Exchanges and Environmental Rights in the 21st Century”
- Chairperson for the Session on ‘Sustainable Development and its Relevancy in the Present Time’ at the International Conference on Environmental Diversity and Environmental Jurisprudence: National and International Perspectives, Chandigarh University, India, 7-8 May 2022.
- “Constitutional Rights and Restrictions in Times of Pandemic” talk given to Webinar at IIT Kharagpur, Jan 22, 2021, Kharagpur, India.
- “The Disability Rights and the Role of the Judiciary in Nepal: A Preliminary Note” paper presented at the Conference on Disability, organized by Indian Social Institute, 16th -19th January, 2020, Delhi India.
- Constitutional Rights and Restrictions of Present Times- Conflict if Any? Paper presented at the webinar organized by Chandigarh University, 6th June 2020, Chandigarh, India.
- “Pollution Control and Sustainable Environmental Management” note from the co-chair, at the Sustainable Environment and Energy Summit 2019, organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). 11-13 February, 2019 Delhi.
- “Sustainable Development: Human Environment & Public Health” paper presented at the, World Conference on Environment organized by the National Green Tribunal, March 25-26, 2017 Delhi.
- “Protection of Endangered Species: Perspectives from Nepal” paper presented at the International Symposium on Judicial Protection of Biodiversity, jointly organized by the SPC and the ADB, September 14, 2017, Nanjing, China.
- Chaired Session on “A Common Regional Platform for Combatting Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, Depletion of Habitat, Decimation of Wildlife, Deforestation, and Promoting the Protection of Fauna, Flora and Sustainable Development” at the 14th SAARC Law Conference, 27 - 29 October, 2017 Colombo.
- “Clean and Renewable Energy” paper presented at the International Conference on Environment, Nov 3, 2017 New Delhi, India.
- “Legal Aid and the Reality in Post-Conflict Nepal: Efforts to Strengthen and Coordinate the Legal Aid System” paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice System Nov. 15-17 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "Dialogue between Public and the Judges, Panel Discussion at the South Asia Judicial Conference on Environment and climate Justice" Dhaka Nov 26, 2016.
- Participation as Panelist at the "Dialogue with Judges" in the "Third Asian Judges Symposium on Law, Policy and Climate Change", 27 September 2016, Manila.
- Papers at the Workshop on titles a) Constitutional and Legal Framework for the Environment: Comparative Analysis of South Asian Countries and b) Environmental law and Justice: Perspective from Nepal for High Court and Appeal Court Judges, organized by the ADB and Sri Lanka Judges Institute. March 20, 2016.
- “Earthquake and Earth Justice: Emergence of the Environmental Justice Movement and its Relevance in Addressing Unanticipated Events” paper presented at the Fourth Environmental Justice Roundtable organized by Supreme Court of Nepal and Asian development Bank, 28-29 Nov. 2015, Kathmandu.
- Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change and the Rule of Law Judicial Experiences of Climate Change across the World: A Panel Discussion, The Kings College, London September 18, 2015.
- 3rd South Asia Judicial Roundtable On Environmental Justice For Sustainable Green Development 8-9 August 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Jointly organized by the ADB and the Supreme Court of Sri-Lanka and presented paper on the following:
- Community Forest Management in Nepal and the Judiciary.
- 2nd Asian Judges Symposium on Environment: Natural Capital and the Rule of Law, 2-5 December 2013, Manila organized by ADB and presented paper on the following:
- Mountain and Upland Ecosystems: Relevant Laws and Law Enforcement and the Judicial Role.
- Challenges in Judicial Decision-Making on Issues of Natural Capital: Substantive Law.
- Participated in the Regional Conference of SAARC Judges and Educators on Judicial Education and Enhancing Access to Justice September 22-25, 2013, Kathmandu organized by NJA and International Commission of Jurists and presented paper on the following:
- Experience Sharing on Judicial Education and Judicial Reforms in Nepal
- Participated in the 2nd South Asia Chief Justices Roundtable on Environmental Justice Thimpu, Bhutan 30-31 August 2013 jointly organized by the ADB and the Supreme Court of Bhutan and presented papers on the following:
- Limitations of Environmental Policies and Laws.
- Capacity and Constraints in Environmental Adjudication.
- Participated in the Symposium on Combating Wildlife Crime and International Cooperation, Presentation at Symposium on Combating Wildlife Crimes, jointly organized by CITES and ADB, Bangkok 10-12 March 2013, presented papers on the following:
- National Policy and Legal Frameworks to Curb the Wildlife Trade
- Combating Wildlife Crime and International Cooperation.
- Participated in the Judicial Colloquium on Biodiversity: Side-Event to the 11th Conference of the Parties for the Convention on Biodiversity (13 October 2012, Hyderabad, India) jointly organized by CBD/IUCN/UNEP and ADB and spoke on
- Challenges and Future of National Compliance & Enforcement of Biodiversity Law
- Contribution of the Judiciary in Shaping the Constitutional Discourse in Nepal, paper presented at the Round Table Discussion on Constitutional Crisis in Nepal at London School of Economics, Department of Law, London Oct. 19, 2012.
- Protection of Himalayan Biodiversity: Why a Regional Legal Framework? Paper presented at Britain Nepal Academic Council, SOAS, University of London, Oct. 19, 2012.
f. Articles/Papers in Nepali
- स्मृतिमा सदा रहेका न्यायाधीश स्ब. प्रचण्ड राज अनिल, भर्डिक्ट, २०७९
- अन्तराष्ट्रिय वातावरण कानून सम्वन्धी सम्मेलन र यस वर्ष उठेका केहि प्रमुख मुद्दाहरु, भर्डिक्ट, २०७९
- बोक्सी, वोक्साको आरोप र न्यायसंग जोडिएका प्रश्नहरु, कानून २०७३
- संघीय नेपालकोलागि न्यायिक संरचनाको निर्माण: तुलनात्मक विधिशास्त्रवाट के सिक्न सकिन्छ, संघीय कानून २०७२
- न्यायमुर्ति विश्वनाथ उपाध्यायलाई फैसला मार्फत नियाल्न खोज्दा, एनजेए ल जर्नल
- न्यायाधीशहरुको क्षेत्रीय भेला र सरोकारका सवालहरु, (टेक नारायण कुवर संग), न्याय चौतारी २०६८
- वालवालिका सम्वन्धी राष्ट्रिय नीति, कानुन र विधि, वाल न्याय स्रोत संगालो, राष्ट्रिय न्यायिक प्रतिष्ठान, २०६६
- वालवालिकासंग गरिने व्यवहार र सञ्चार, वाल न्याय स्रोत संगालो, राष्ट्रिय न्यायिक प्रतिष्ठान, २०६६
- न्यायपालिका र हालै उठेका केही प्रसंग, न्याय चौतारी, २०६५
- उत्तरदायी न्याय व्यवस्था र न्यायाधीशहरुको राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन, सर्वोच्च बार जर्नल, २०६७
- न्यायिक सुधारको प्रसंग र संवैधानिक अदालत, न्यायदूत, २०६७-२०६८
- संघात्मक संवैधानिक व्यबस्था र न्यायपालिका: केही सवाल, न्यायदूत, २०६४-६५
g. Editorial Experience
- Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court on Gender Justice, National Judicial Academy 2010 (editor)
- NJA LAW JOURNAL (founding editor)
- Involved in the Organization of South Asia Regional Symposium on Forest Law, in partnership with the ADB and the Supreme Court of Nepal, 27-29 April, 2023, Kathmandu.
- Participation as a founding member in the MEETING OF THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE GLOBAL JUDICIAL INSTITUTE ON THE ENVIRONMENT, and Model Forest Act Initiative (MOFAI) New York, Wednesday July 19, 2023 followed by a series of ongoing virtual meetings.
- Member of the working group including former Justices Honorable Khilraj Regmi and Honorable Ramkumar Prasad Shah for drafting the Code of Conduct for Judges in 2008
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, AVH Foundation, Germany (2005-06), 2008, 2011.
- Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professional Study in the United States, US Department of State award (2002-03)
- Colombo Plan Fellowship from the Government of India for LL.M studies (1994-1997)
- Best Book of the Year Award by the Bar Council of Nepal, 2001 for the book on “Displacement and Rehabilitation in Nepal”
- Mahendra Vidhya Bhushan (Class A) by the King of Nepal, for carrying out outstanding doctoral study, 2001
- Mahendra Vidhya Bhushan (Class B) by the King of Nepal for standing first in the LLM studies, 2001
- Gorkha Daxin Bahu ( Class III) by the King of Nepal for making outstanding contribution as a judge of Kathmandu District Court 2001
- Member SAARC Law, Nepal Chapter
- Vice President, Judges Society, Nepal (2014-2016)
- LANDMARK JUDGMENTS ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN FROM SOUTH ASIA, (Delhi, South Asia Regional Initiative, SARIQ 2004) In this volume two of my decisions from Kathmandu district Court have been published)
S.N |
Name |
Issue |
Decision date |
Case Reference |
1 |
Suman Panta v Ministry of Home Affairs |
Recognition of same sex-marriage |
2074.07.06 |
NKP 2074 Decision no 9921 |
2 |
Dumre Kami v Office of the Prime Minister |
Rights to land of the freed Haliya community (bonded laborers) |
2074.12.14 |
NKP 2075 Decision no 9991 |
3 |
Raksharam Harijan v Ministry of Home Affairs |
State responsibility in protection from disasters |
2074.07.30 |
NKP 2076 Decision no10203 |
4 |
Ramchandra Simkhada v Nepal Government |
Preventing the construction of roadway from within the Chitwan National Park, protection of biodiversity |
2075.11.01 |
NKP 2076 Decision no 10204 |
5 |
Madhav Basnet v Nepal Government |
Land distribution management, protection of ecology |
2076.04.23 |
NKP 2076 Decision no 10339 |
5 |
Madhav Basnet v Nepal Government |
Land distribution management, protection of ecology |
2076.04.23 |
NKP 2076 Decision no 10339 |
6 |
Dr. Sudhanshu Koirala v Dr. Snigdha Koirala |
Protection against domestic violence |
2076.11.01 |
NKP 2077 Decision no10482 |
7 |
Keshar Jung KC v Nepal Government |
Right to health and access to health services during Covid |
2077.06.15 |
NKP 2077 Decision no 10547 |
8 |
Netra Bandhu Poudel v Dr. Govinda KC |
Freedom of speech |
2076.10.23 |
NKP 2078 Decision no 10369 |
9 |
Khagendra Subedi v Pashupati Development Trust |
Heritage protection |
2077.08.07 |
NKP 2078 Decision no 10667 |
10 |
Binay Kumar Panjiyar Nepal Government, Nepal Medical Council |
Special measures |
2077.09.01 |
NKP 2078 Decision no 10756 |
11 |
Amar Nath Jha v Office of the Prime Minister |
Protection from disasters, climate change mitigation measures |
2078.05.21 |
NKP 2078 Decision no 10743 |
12 |
Prakash Nepali v Federal Parliament |
Rights of the Dalit community |
2077.12.06 |
NKP 2077 Decision no 10923 |
13 |
L.M Subhir Brothers v Labour Court |
Right to be protected from workplace sexual harassment |
2079.04.18 |
NKP 2079 Decision no 10904 |
14 |
Rana Bahadur Shah v Office of the PM and Cabinet |
Right to property |
2079.05.09 |
NKP 2079 Decision no 10968 |
15 |
Sailendra Ambedkar v Office of the Prime Minister |
Protection of the Chure range |
2079.01.07 |
Case no 077-WC-0099 |
16 |
Equitable distribution of benefits arising from the use of natural resources, human rights accountability of development projects |
Protection of the Chure range |
2080.01.24 |
Case no 079-WC-0057 |