Hon'ble Chief Justice
Khil Raj Regmi 
Hon'ble Cheif Justice Mr. Khil  Raj  Regmi
Supreme Court of  Nepal


Date of Birth :               31st May 1949
Place of Birth : Pokharathok- 6, Palpa, Nepal
Nationality :                   Nepali
Religion :                      Hindu
Marital Status : Maried with 3 childrens
Present Address :         182/15 Prabachan Marga, Baneshwor                             Height, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone:              977 1 4470900
E-mail:              regmikhilraj@hotmail.com


1972 Tribhuvan University Kathmandu
M.A. (Masters in Arts)

1970 Tribhuvan University Kathmandu
B.L. (Bachelors in Law)

1968 Tribhuvan University Kathmandu
B.A. (Bachelors in Arts)

1966  U.P. Board  India


Nepali –            Mother Tongue
English –          Very good
Hindi – Very good

Award Received

  1. Gorkha Dachchin Bahu 4th (1981)
  2. Gorkha Dachchin Bahu 3rd (1990)
  3. Tri Shakti Patta 3rd (2000)

Work experience

2003 - Present  Supreme Court of Nepal,Kathmandu
Chief Justice

1996 - 2003   Appellate Court
Chief Judge

1991 – 1996    Appellate Court

1985 – 1991    Supreme Court of Nepal Kathmandu
Deputy Registrar (Gazetted 1st class)

1974 – 1985   District Court

1972 – 1974   Supreme Court of Nepal Kathmandu
Section Officer (Gazetted 3rd class)

                Others    Designation / Responsibilities

A. Court Management

I. Case Management Committee


2008-Present             Supreme Court of Nepal 
Formed according to Rule 13D(1)  of the Supreme Court Rule, 2049 B.S.


2006-2008                Supreme Court of Nepal 
Formed according to Rule 13D(1)  of the Supreme Court Rule, 2049 B.S.

II. Construction Committee


2010-Present Supreme Court of Nepal 
Formed according to Rule 13B (1) of the Supreme Court Rule, 2049 B.S.


2005-2009 Supreme Court of Nepal 
Formed according to Rule 13B (1) of the Supreme Court Rule, 2049 B.S.

B. High level Committees


2009                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
High Level Committee. Formed for the Study and submission of report on   abolition of Date of Attendance (Tarekha) System in the court with assuring the representation of the parties.


2008-Present             Supreme Court of Nepal 
High Level Committee on Settlement of Legal Problems.




2007                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee on the Security of the Court. Formed for the recommendation of  policies on security matters of the courts.


C. Drafting Legal Rules and Laws


2010                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Drafting Committee to draft amendment on necessary reform in Supreme Court Rules for the establishment of information Technology Department instead of Information Technology Section of the Supreme Court.


2009                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Drafting Committee to reform the draft of Guidelines of Procedure of Bail, Drafted by the Supreme Court. 


2008                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Drafting Committee to finalize and approve the draft on Code of Conduct of the Judges.   


2008                           Government of Nepal 
Working Team formed by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Judicial Council to reform and make necessary amendment of Civil Code and Civil Procedure Code in the changing context. 


2006                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee formed by the decision of the Chief Justice for study and submission of report on timely review of remuneration and conditions of the service of judicial personnel. 


2005                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Drafting Committee for draft the rules regarding application of Mediation  System in Appellate Level of the Court.


2004                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Recommendation Committee on amendment of Acts and Rules regarding Judicial Administration.  Under this Committee different recommendations has been produced i.e. the establishment of different departments on the Supreme Court, introduced mediation system in Nepal through trial Court level by Rules, proposed effective mechanism and processes for execution of the judgment.


2004                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Drafting Committee for reviewing the Acts and Rules relating to Judicial Administration. Under this Committee Act Relating to Limitation and Act Relating to Bail or Security has been Drafted.

D. Plan Implementation


2010                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
High Level Committee on distribution of budget and resources for the courts.



2009                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
High Level Steering Committee. Formed by the Chief Justice for implementation of 2nd Strategic Plan of the Nepalese Judiciary (2009/10–2013/14)


2007                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee formed to study and drafts a sketch to reform Law relating to the   Judicial Service in the context of implementation of the O & M Report of the Supreme court.


2006                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee formed to submit report by drafting necessary action policies for Case Management in relation to implementation of Strategic Plan of the Nepalese Judiciary.


2004                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Justice Sector Coordination Committee.

E. Investigation Commission and Committee


2007                           Government of Nepal
Investigation Commission formed by the Government of Nepal on the events of Terai Madhesh Region for collect data, find out causes and consequences  on  the human and physical damage on the events happened in the protest in different districts of Terai Madhesh in 2007, and  to suggest policy and action strategies for not repeating such events.


2005                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee formed by the Judicial Council for study and submit report on the Controversial Order (Dil Bahadur Gurung vs His Majesty the Government, Drugs Case) issued by the Single Bench of the Supreme Court on July 2005).


2004                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee formed by the Judicial Council for study and submit report on the Controversial Decision (Gordon Williams Robinson vs His majesty the government, Drugs Case) by the Division Bench of the Supreme court on April 2004. 

F. Study Committee


2008                           Government of Nepal 
Working Team formed by the Government of Nepal to review the existing jurisdiction of the Courts. 


G. Other Responsibilities


2010- Present            Judges Society, Nepal 


2010                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Committee formed to honor the certificate of Senior Advocate.


2009- Present            Supreme Court of Nepal 
National Judicial Academy, Appointed according to the section 6(2)(d) of National Judicial Academy Act, 2006.


2007- Present            Supreme Court of Nepal 
Juvenile Justice Coordination committee, formed according to rules 22(1) of Juvenile Justice Procedure Rules, 2006.


2005                           Supreme Court of Nepal 
Golden Jubilee Celebration main committee, in the auspicious ceremony of completion of fifty years of establishment of the Supreme Court of Nepal.

H. Training

1986  Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)                     Japan
Quest for the Effective and Efficient Treatment of Offenders in Correctional Institutions at UNAFEI. Organized by JICA held on 17th April-11th July, 1986, Tokyo, Japan.

Visit ,Seminar and Participation

Participation 2011 - 14th Conference of the Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific, held in Seoul, South Korea, 12th -16th June.

Observation visit 2011- Ovservation visit of the Canadian Federal Justice System, Ottawa, Canada, 26th March - 4th April.

Participation 2010- The First Geneva Forum For Judges and Lawyers held in Geneva, Switzerland, 25th -26th October.

Participation 2010- The Seventh Conference Of Asian Constitutional Court   Judegs, as Head of the delegates, Held in Jakarta- Indonesia, 12-15 july.


2009, 2010 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)  Japan
Civil Reform through the Seminar on Civil Code and related Laws, held on Aug 18-25, 2010,  23rd Jan – 30th Jan,  2010 and  25thJuly – 8th August,  2009 Tokyo, Japan.

Exposure Visit 

2008                           Government of Italy
Exposure Visit to the Juvenile Court and Justice System of Italy. Organized by the Department of Justice and Minor of the Government of Italy.

Study Visit

2006                           USAID/Nepal
Study visit to study the functions of American courts and judicial institutions. Organized by ARD, INC. Rule of Law, USAID/Nepal, held on 18th - 26th February, USA.

Observation Visit

Observation Visit of the Supreme Court and Judicial Institutions of Singapore and Thailand, on 7th Jan - 15th Jan.


Some Landmark rulings 


Advocate Sarmila Parajuli et.all v. Nepal  Government,  Mandamus,  case  related to sexual harassment  against  women in duty  station,  ruling on  12 March 2004.

Rajendra Rai v. Nepal Government, Habeas corpus, in this case the court analyzed the balance between national security and human rights, ruling date, 20 May 2005.

Advocate Meera Dhungana  et.all  v.  Nepal Government, in this case the court declared ultra virus, the provision of number 1(1) of the chapter on Husband and Wife of Muluki Ain that stipulated discriminatory ground of divorced against women, on the ground that the provision was inconsistent with the Constitution, ruling date, 30 March 2006.     

Rajendra Pd.Dhakal et.all v.  Nepal  Government,    Habeas Corpus, case related to those persons  who  were  disappeared during  the  decade long  armed conflict,  ruling  date:   01   January 2007

Advocate Sapana Pradhan Malla et.all. v.  Nepal Government, Mandamus,  in this   case  the Court issued an  order  to  maintain secrecy  of the party in  special cases, such as  rape, trafficking in women etc,  ruling date, 25  December 2007.

Advocate Kabita   Panday on behalf of Pro-Public, et.all v.  Govrnment of Nepal, Mandamus, case   related   to the single women’s’ allowance, ruling date 10 March 2010.