Right Honorable Mr. Prakash Man Singh Raut
Chief Justice
Supreme Court of Nepal


Right Honorable Chief Justice Mr. Prakash Man Singh Raut was born on 31st March, 1961 in Udayapur district of Nepal. After completing Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Tribhuvan University of Nepal, he received Law Practitioner’s Certificate (Advocate) in 1983 and began career in law as a practicing Lawyer. In 2013, he was conferred with the title of Senior Advocate from the Supreme Court of Nepal. In past, he has contributed as a Coordinator of the Constitutional Committee of the Nepal Bar Association. He was elected as a President of the Supreme Court Bar Association in 2006.

In 2016, he was appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nepal and served for seven years until he was appointed as the Chief Justice of Nepal on 6th October, 2024.