- Born on August 10, 1946 (26th , Shrawan 2003 B.S)
- Joined Judicial Service on 22nd May 1970 (9th , Jesth 2027 B.S) .
- Appointed as Judge for District Court of Nuwakot on 12th Dec 1983 (26th Mangshir 2040 B.S) .
- Appointed as a Zonal judge of Very Zonal Court on 16th Oct 1985 (30th Ashwin 2042 B.S).
- Appointed as Judge for Appellate Court Surkhet on 4th Nov 1983 (18th Kartik 2040 B.S) .
- Appointed as Chief Judge for Appellate Court Dipayal on 2nd June 2000 (20th Jesth, 2057 B.S) .
- Appointed as a Judge of Supreme Court on 22nd Jan 2009 (9th , Magh 2065 B.S).
- Due to retire on 9th August 2011 (25th Shrawan 2068 B.S).