The court users and the parties to the cases are requested to directly dial the Toll Free Number: 1660-01-333-55 of the Secretariat of Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Nepal for any grievances, complaints or suggestions related with malpractice irregularities, procrastination in the administration of justice or service delivery of the Supreme Court and subordinate courts or other judicial authorities.
- Advocate Punyashila Dawadi Ghimire Vs. Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu (Relief Fund)
- Advocate Shyam Kumar Bishwakarma Vs. Right Honourable Prime Minister, Government of Nepal, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu et al.
- Bimal Bshwokarma Vs. Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Government of Nepal, Singh Durbar
- Government of Nepal Vs. Tek Bahadur Bista
- Advocate Arjun Kumar Aryal and Others vs. Nepal Government, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Kathmandu and Oth
- Advocate Subodhman Napit v. Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Singhadurbar
- Advocate Tulsi Simkhada vs. Government of Nepal, Office of the Prime-Minister and the Council of Ministers, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu,
- Dr. Dinesh Bikram Shah Vs. Advocate Bhojraj Ayer
- Mohan Sashanker Vs. Nepal Government
- Mr. Liladhar Bhandari and Others v. Prime Minister and Office of Council of Ministers,
- Rajeev Parajuli v. Royal Commission on Corruption Control and Others
- Rajendra Prasad Dhakal v. Nepal Government, Home Ministry and Others
- Sapana Pradhan Malla v Prime Minister, Nepal Government
- Sunil Babu Pant and Others v Nepal Government
- Jit Kumari Pangeni vs. Prime Minister and office of the council minister, singhdarbar (marital rape case)
- Advocate Arjun Kumar Aryal et. al Vs. Government of Nepal, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Singhdurbar, Kathmandu (Final Gadimai Verdic
- Ajay shankar jha PDS Nepal vs. District Court of Siraha
- Binod Gautam v CIAA (Translated Summary) 17 Aug (1)
Total Hearings |
264 |
Judgment |
50 |
Reserved Judgment |
0 |
Continuous Hearing |
6 |
Orders |
29 |
Adjourned |
49 |
Deferred Hearing |
118 |
Recusal |
12 |
Others |
0 |
- उच्च अदालत विराटनगर
- उच्च अदालत विराटनगर, इलाम इजलास
- उच्च अदालत विराटनगर, धनकुटा इजलास
- उच्च अदालत विराटनगर, अस्थायी इजलास ओखलढुंगा
- उच्च अदालत जनकपुर
- उच्च अदालत जनकपुर, राजविराज इजलास
- उच्च अदालत जनकपुर, अस्थायी इजलास वीरगंज
- उच्च अदालत पाटन
- उच्च अदालत पाटन, हेटौंडा इजलास
- उच्च अदालत पोखरा
- उच्च अदालत पोखरा, बाग्लुङ्ग इजलास
- उच्च अदालत तुलसीपुर
- उच्च अदालत तुलसीपुर, बुटवल इजलास
- उच्च अदालत तुलसीपुर, नेपालगंज इजलास
- उच्च अदालत सुर्खेत
- उच्च अदालत सुर्खेत, जुम्ला इजलास
- उच्च अदालत दिपायल
- उच्च अदालत दिपायल, महेन्द्रनगर इजलास