The Supreme Court of Nepal is located at Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu. The Court can be found in googlemap by clicking here. Its address has been kept in the The Supreme Court of Nepal was established on Jeshta 8, 2013 (May 21, 1956)
According to the Constitution of Nepal, there are three tiers of Courts including District Court, High Court and Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall consist of a maximum of twenty Justices, in addition to the Chief Justice of Nepal. The details, along with the names of the present Honorable Justices are placed in the website of this Court. Click here to find the list of Justices.
Constitutionally, the Supreme Court holds two natures of jurisdiction i.e. Ordinary Jurisdiction and Extraordinary Jurisdiction. Power to originally try and settle cases, hear appeal, test judgments referred for confirmation, revise cases, hear petitions or review its judgments or final orders comes under the ordinary jurisdiction whereas the extra-ordinary jurisdiction allows Court to issue appropriate orders and writs including the writs of Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Certiorari, Prohibition and Quo Warranto.
The Supreme Court of Nepal renders justice independently, competently and impartially based on the Constitution of Nepal, prevailing law and recognized principles of justice.
The Court’s working hours will start from 10 am to 5 pm from Sunday to Thursday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Friday. But it will start from 10 am to 4pm from November (Kartik 16) to January (Marga 15). Usually the Court is closed on Saturday and on public holidays.
In addition to the administration of justice, there are various services and facilities available including the Help Desks, Postal Services, Banking Services, Information Desks, Primary Health Services, Free Legal Aid Services, Canteen as well as Libraries with Nepal Law Magazine etc. The template and information relating to general nature of the application relating to the cases are easily and readily available on the website of the Supreme Court. Templates can be found by clicking here By downloading the Mobile Apps of the Supreme Court, visitors easily can obtain the procedural details of the related cases.
Right after the main entrance gate of the Supreme Court, Help Desk is located. Staffs deployed in the Help Desk provide the information to the service recipient on general procedure relating to the cases, provide templates of general application relating to the cases at free of cost, also guide them the way to different Sections and branches of the Court as per the necessary.
Every person must show his / her identity card to the security guard at the entrance and if the security guard allowed, one can enter the Supreme Court. However, interested person can only enter the Court after declaring reason along with the personal details in the Visitor’s Booklet kept by the security guard or the Court staffs. Simply, having worn the Visitors Pass which is visibly seen can be entered in the court by the visitors. Therefore, every person willing to enter the Court must bring a Certificate of Citizenship or similar Identity Certificate with him/her.
Every Court has appointed Stipendiary Lawyer or Officially Paid Lawyer (Baitanik Wokil) to provide Free Legal Assistance to the needy service seekers. Baitanik Wokil provides free legal assistance only for the helpless, infirm, minor, indigent or imprisoned persons who cannot afford the lawyers by themselves. The service recipients may get the free legal assistance at the Court’s working time from the stipendiary lawyer such as drafting the document, pleading, counseling, providing the information in regards of case procedure of the litigation. However, in order to enjoy this free legal assistance, the aforementioned recipients shall make the oral or written application to the Court or if the Bench itself may issue the order the service of Baitanik Wokil. The list of Baitanik Wokil working in the Court can be found by clicking here.
Everyone has a constitutional obligation to abide by the order or decision of the Court. In this regard, it shall be the responsibility of all stakeholders, including the parties of the case, law practitioners, civil society, police administration, government offices, local level representatives, and local people to assist the staff who are responsible in the implementation of the Court's decision.
No. The Justices or employees of the Court cannot provide legal counseling to anyone. Legal counseling can be provided by the law practitioners only. However, Baitanik Wokil available at the Court can provide free legal aid to the helpless, the infirm, the minor, the indigent or the detained person who cannot appoint the private lawyers by themselves
The deadline for the parties to appear before the Court is called Date. There are two types of Date in Court practices known as Ordinary Date and Hearing Date. Hearing date of the case is called as the Date of Hearing. All Dates for any purposes relating to Case other than the Date of Hearing considered as the Ordinary Date. In addition to the regular Date Sheet, the Court sends the automatic information through the SMS in recorded mobile number of the parties.
A Cause List is the assigned number of cases to be submitted before the Court for a hearing. Daily Cause List is the published list of cases allotted for the bench every day. Weekly Cause List is a comprehensive list of the cases that is to be submitted in forthcoming weeks. Daily Cause List is published every morning at 10 am and Weekly Cause List is published every Friday. The information on Cause List can be obtained via notice board or through own lawyer and Help Desk. This is kept in the website of Court can be found by clicking here. Can find here
The related information can be obtained with the help of the digital information uploaded by the concerned Bench Officer with responding the daily Cause List published on the website of the Supreme Court. In addition, information can be obtained by viewing the manual information maintained in the assigned bench or by directly asking the Bench Officer working in bench.
Bench is the particular venue of hearing the cases by justice that carries the administration of Justice. This word i.e. Bench is also represents as the Constitutional Bench, Special bench, Full Bench, Division Bench or Single Bench. Bench Decorum is also known as the bench discipline. Maintaining the Decorum of the Bench shall be the common responsibilities of all the concerned stakeholders including the Advocates, Bench Officers, Parties of the case, Security Officer and other Court Officers. All judicial activities are accomplished through the open bench except the cases to be heard by a closed bench.
There are different Sections relating to cases like Writ and Cases Division, Cases Registration Section, Appeal Registration Section, Application and Report Section and Legal Assistance Section. Case and Writs can be registered at the related Section on the basis of the issues and subject matter. All the required documents like citizenship, copy of the judgment, precedent and the other evidences should be attached therein. Regarding the Court Fee one can easily calculate through our software kept in website of Court by clicking here No additional fees needed other than the bills given by the Court.
With the prior permission of the Supreme Court, every ordinary people can take a short tour of the Court and take pictures of the outside premises. However, the services and facilities within the Court are limited only to the concerned stakeholders like parties of the cases, Justices, legal practitioners and concerned staff. Therefore, the tourists generally cannot use such services and facilities.
Court Users Survey Questionnaire is a research tool that measures the perception and satisfaction of the Court users aiming further improvement in service delivery of the Court. The main objective of the Survey questionnaires is the continuous improvisation of judicial services in order to achieve and assure the Public Trust in Court. Feedback, complaints and suggestions from the Court users potentially helps the management to introspect the quality of the service delivery. This Survey questionnaire is readily available at the Help Desk located inside the Court. The Court users or service recipients can fill the survey questionnaire by themselves or get help of a staff member if needed.
The concerned Court users in regard to their dissatisfaction on service delivery can directly report about the complaints, irregularities, delay of Justice relating to the functions of any Court and judicial body, including the Supreme Court by contacting at toll free number 1660-01-333-55 and email address If there is any complaint regarding the functioning and proceeding of any particular Section or unit, then first of all one should try to find out solution by lodging a complaint with the concerned Section head. In the event that a complaint is not properly addressed by the concerned head of the section, the complainant may submit their complaint, to Chief of concerned Division and if not satisfied the complainant may directly approach to the Registrar, Chief Registrar or the Chief Justice's Secretariat, either orally or in writing. In addition to the above methods, the Court has also arranged the complaint box in the Court for the complainant regarding the proceedings of the Court.
Information relating to the Supreme Court is available through the following ways.